The bush is finally started to get green with grass growing in most places but for the grass to flourish more regular rain is required otherwise the sun will dry out and kill the new grass.
We went on a game drive for a change one afternoon and found a pride of lions including a cub which was about 9 months old. The pride were very relaxed and even inquisitive and came for a closer look so we ended up being just a few metres from a lioness - great for photos.
Things seem to happen while driving to and from the lodge. One morning we had just entered the reserve and Tasha was driving but sorting Kiara out so was not watching the road or bush for wildlife when suddenly we heard a series of loud snorts and discovered we had surprised a black R\rhino which proceeded to chase us down the road. Fortunately we were going fairly fast (50km/h) and the rhino gave up very quickly. Just shows how quickly you can get into trouble in the bush if you are not aware of your surroundings.
Another morning on the way to work we found some Omajowa mushrooms growing out a large termite mound. See this web site: These mushrooms come out a day or two after the rains and are highly prized for their flavour. In addition to being edible and tasty, they are LARGE and will cover a dinner plate! That night we had fried mushrooms for dinner which were very filling indeed.
Well, all good things have to come to an end and we had to leave. We had spent just over two months in Namibia and had done and seen some wonderful things. The rain has continued to come down and the ponies are now out grazing with radio collars on so they can be found and put in their stables for the nights.
A young female leopard |
Meander relaxing in the river bed |
Mother lioness |
Friendly lion cub |
Elephants enjoying a bath in the dam by the restaurant |
The river filling the dam at the house after a storm |
Morning light on the new grass |
Elephant on the way home |
A large black mamba on the way to work |
At last we found some Omajowas |
As large as a dinner plate! |
Preparing dinner |
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